Wednesday, December 31, 2008



A little bit about myself:

Name : Adris b. Ahmad Puad
ID no: 2005490308
DOB: 31st of May 1986
POB: Klang
Hobbies /Interest : Futsal, Football, PSP, Games, Manchester United FC, Music, Travelling etc.
Dislikes: Uitm's rules of 'sahsiah rupa diri'~(sigh)

What computer software you know how to utilize?
I know how to use all the basic Microsoft software like words, power point, excel and publisher. I am still learning on how to use Adobe Photoshop. It is a very useful software where i can do a lot of interesting and crazy things with it. Apart form that i cannot recall what other software have i used. Too many to remember.

What computer hardware skills and knowledge do you have?
It is hard to say but i think i know all the basic skills in most of the software that are currently used in this era. :) I hope I do.

What computer / Internet activities do you have and/or oftenly engaged in? e.g download songs, upload videos.

Well my favourite place to view or upload videos is at I guess everyone's love it. To download songs currently I'm using Ares where you can download the software itslef at But the drawback of using ares is not only it gives you the pleasure of downloading free songs/videos but at the same time it gives you free viruses, worms, trojans, gladiator and what not. So in order to use this software i recommend that you install a superb anti virus software where you cannot just download it from the internet but purchase it legally. In other words BUY THE ORIGINAL ONE!~ Trust me it is for your own good.

Apart from that my i always visit sites like:
- (friendster is dying. go to facebook)

I guess that is all for now. Until then, Wassalam.


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the cautionary remarks about ares. I personally do not know how to download songs
